Feldenkrais Pain Relief Step-By-Step

Feldenkrais Pain and Strain Relief Neck & Spine

A Feldenkrais session that can help you get rid of strain in your neck and shoulders. Very genle. You can do just the first 5 to 10 minutes of the session below and you will benefit.

You can do the session on your back on a mat on the floor or even in bed.

First Watch The Intro

And then click to play the Feldenkrais session:

By the way, you may not only find it relaxing, you might even feel a little taller after you have done it. Go slow, only do what is comfortable, and feel free to start the session without the need to finish it.

The session is from my Feldenkrais Pain-Relief Series which is currently available on a sliding scale. More info on this link: Feldenkrais Pain Relief course.