Alan Questel

In my first conversation with Alan he speaks about some of the new teaching and learning strategies that he is using in his latest Feldenkrais Training programs, as he explores several questions:

Are there more effective ways to teach Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement? How is it possible to evolve the Feldenkrais Method?

An important distinction that Alan talks about in this podcast is the difference between "competence" and "confidence." What happens when a Feldenkrais student has finished his or her training? They have been certified "competent" to begin practicing the work, but perhaps do not FEEL confident about their abilities? Can Feldenkrais training programs help to address this issue? Alan Questel thinks that they can.


Alan on Creativity

This is Part Two of my conversation with Alan Questel. In this 20 minute Feldenkrais Podcast we discuss creativity and embodying the creative process. Can creativity be taught with the Feldenkrais Method? Was Moshe actually using Awareness Through Movement to teach creativity? Listen to Alan's thoughts on these and other topics.


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