Ruthy Alon

Ruthy Alon
Pic: Phil Reid © The Dominion Post.
I caught up with Ruthy Alon while she was in preparation for an upcoming 4-month international trip to teach Bones For Life and Feldenkrais. One of Moshe's original "gang of 13" students, Ruthy speaks not only about the development and origination of her own work - Bones For Life - but also about her beginnings with Moshe Feldenkrais.

In this podcast, you can find out how Ruthy got the idea for Bones For Life how she integrates Feldenkrais principles into her work, and how she originally "found" Moshe. Ruthy also shares a wonderful story about how she approached Moshe with the idea of teaching his work at an Israeli University. This was at a time before he had conducted a formal training or was even calling what he did "ATM" or "FI"...

Much more that I could say, but let's have the conversation speak for itself:


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