Denis Leri, Feldenkrais Podcast

I am pleased to present an interview with Dennis Leri. Dennis is not only a Feldenkrais Trainer, but a Martial Artist and Buddhist who has a great deal of experience with thinkers and doers such as Miltion Erickson, Charles S. Peirce, Francisco Varela, Heinz von Foerster and many, many others.

He has published dozens of articles, many of which can be found on his Semiophysics website.

In this conversation, I ask a Dennis a cluster of related questions. For example, what areas in which he thinks Moshe Feldenkrais might have "missed the boat" or was unclear in his ideas, and if there were "new ideas" that Moshe was formulating but never had the opportunity to develop.

Conversely, I asked Dennis where he thinks we, as a community, missed certain ideas or threads in Moshe's thinking. We also touch on the training and accreditation process. I asked Dennis if the needs of creating a profession have shaped the work in ways that might not be entirely clear or conscious. His answers may surprise you.

Along the way, Dennis tells some illuminating stories about self and identity, Moshe's history, and aspects of Dr. Feldenkrais and his personality that many people have not had a chance to see and fully appreciate.


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