A few years back, I was pointing out on Facebook that many facts presented about Moshe Feldenkrais and Feldenkrais professional history are not always (ahem) historically accurate.
Those of you who have been reading my emails and blog for a while, know that I speak about these things.
And one of my colleagues got very frustrated and wrote:
"Ryan, why do you keep bringing this sh*t up?!"
You know why?
Because that is what interests me. I have been doing that kind of thing since childhood.
And I think it is important.
So, before I tell you about my first-ever memorial day sale on my Feldenkrais download series, I would like to tell you that the first recorded memorial day parade commemorating fallen soldiers after the civil was organized and celebrated by black Americans.
This is a fact that I was never taught in school.
And as far as I know, is still not being taught.
Memorial day celebrations began when newly freed slaves in Charleston, South Carolina were paying homage to several hundred Union soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave after being horribly treated as prisoners of war.
The war had ended and they wanted to give them a proper burial. After doing so a group of more than 10,000 African Americans had a parade to pay them homage and put flowers on their graves.
That was the first memorial day parade and celebration of this important day in the United States.
And it was conveniently forgotten just a few years later when cities, states, and later the entire nation began the celebration of our fallen soldiers who gave their life for their country.
Our own bodies have forgotten histories.
And as we get older we have forgotten abilities and room for growth and flexibility that we can remember and use.
So, if you have missed any of my sales over the last few months, you can check out the download store on my website and use the code "memorial" for a 50% discount on any product.
Not all of my Feldenkrais series are listed there, but most are:
Again, if you put in the promo code "memorial" after "add to cart" and before paying, it will give you 50% off your entire order.
If the code no longer works that means the sale has ended. My apologies. You can grab my free course and get on my email list so that you do not miss the next one: Free Feldenkrais Course.