On a regular basis, I get emails from various kinds of health practitioners. Some have Feldenkrais-based practices, others do Yoga or Somatics. And people say something like:
"hi Ryan, I want you to know that I am teaching a workshop soon and I based it on the materials I purchased from you. I will, of course, give you credit."
Several people have asked for explicit permission to teach sessions that I sell or give away.
Look, it is really sweet to ask for permission.
And I do appreciate it (really).
But truth be told, the ideas contained within any session that I sell or that I give away are not "owned." They do not belong to me nor anyone else.
If you take a session, then do it yourself, and then put it in your own words and then teach it...then it belongs to you.
**Now, don't sell or give away my audio recordings or transcripts. Nor anyone else's. They are copyrighted.**
And various groups have trademarked and service-marked terms related to Feldenkrais. Do not use those terms in your marketing.
But anything not legally prohibited is fair game!
Learn the ideas, put them into your own words and do so in a way that respects your unique needs and personality...and then teach!
Do what you can to help people grow and develop in ways that benefit them.
By the way, it is almost always a good idea to consult with a lawyer who knows your local laws and regulations. I am not a lawyer. And I am not giving you legal advice. I am just sharing from the field what has worked for me and others in growing a practice and growing awareness.
I hope you are doing well out there.
(I realize the ideas in this message do not apply to some folks. Not everyone wants to teach. But I felt it important to get it out there. The times are changing. Some professions are dying. New possibilities of action are growing. It is a good idea to be ready for what is coming next.)
More on this topic: Copyright, Ownership and Feldenkrais