Who Owns Feldenkrais? (A short video)

Responding to some questions and comments about my new Easy Feldenkrais series, I thought to go ahead and make a short video on the topic of who "owns" Feldenkrais and what you can do with Feldenkrais materials in general and with my materials in specific.

Though many people may tell you otherwise, Feldenkrais is not owned. Certain organizations may lay claim to owning certain copyrighted terms such as Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, Functional Integration® and others...but the movements and the work itself is not owned.

It is important to recognize that copyright law does not protect a concept or idea, it rather protects the expression conveyed, which may be presented in the form of an article, a book etc. So in general, put any Feldenkrais session in your own words and then use those words and ideas however you want. Of course, if you have more specific questions or concerns contact a lawyer. I, Ryan Nagy am not a lawyer...



Grab some rare and hard to get Feldenkrais sessions and transcripts from Easy Feldenkrais: Easy Feldenkrais