Feldenkrais Student and Teacher Demographics in the United States

Would it surprise you to learn that most people do Feldenkrais because they want to get out of pain? Would it surprise you to learn that over 80% of students and practitioners are female and white? And that most practitioners do not get the majority of their income from teaching Feldenkrais?

Those are some findings from a somewhat old survey whose data I was reviewing just a few minutes ago, though I have no reason to believe that the demographics have changed much. It was conducted in 2010 and published in 2014 in a peer-review journal called. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. Here is the fulltext online if you want to check it out. There are other characteristics of Feldenkrais students and practitioner that you might be interested in.

I am reviewing the article to remind myself of who I am talking to here and who (on average) is interested in my work and word related to that of Moshe Feldenkrais and his students.

I am a 54-year old white male (for what it is worth to know that). And I can verify in my own experience that most of the people who purchase my products are women!

That is all. Peace.
