Feldenkrais Fan, Feldenkrais Critic

Some folks are new here and might not know this, so I think it bears repeating:

I am a fan of some of Feldenkrais's ideas.

But I am also a critic of some of his ideas.

In fact, I am one of the few practitioners who directly and *publicly* criticize Moshe, the work, and the "professional" organizations that claim to represent him

Look, I love the work.

I really do.

I hope that is obvious from my actions in promoting it.

I think you can get a hell of a lot out of it and that you should experiment with it.

But everyone must find their own route to awareness. Sometimes there are guides and signposts along the way (treat with caution).

But the path is yours and yours alone.

Skills can perhaps be "certified."

But awareness and independence cannot.

(Think about it: If I needed someone to certify my independence and give me a certificate of "independence" that would be a sign that I was not independent.)

You have to take the steps and actions that will help you develop as a person and personality, regardless of what a guru, trainer, or certifying body thinks is best for you.

Related to that, I am not going to tell you that Feldenkrais is the cure for trauma or depression or that it will make you into a "mature" "independent" person.

I stick to talking about things such as pain-relief, moving easier, breathing easier, and the like because I have direct experience of those outcomes for myself and many others who do Feldenkrais-based sessions.

I mean, yes, I have little doubt that some people have gotten over certain traumatic and depressive episodes using Feldenkrais.

But it is not clear to me that Feldenkrais was the key factor.

Your unique actions as a person and the chances you take and the learnings that you create for yourself are more important than any method or process.

You have to learn to trust yourself and your experience.

And keep moving forward in your own unique way.


I could keep going on for quite some time here.

But I will stop for now.