Moshe did not do ATM. What do you think he did, lie on the floor and give himself verbal instructions? He lay on the floor and felt his body and what he was doing...and that led him into many discoveries.- Martin Weiner.
Feldenkrais Podcast with Marty Weiner and Ryan Nagy
Updated on April 7th, 2021.
#1: A Conversation with Martin Weiner (From Jan 26, 2007)
Hello everyone - Welcome to the first of what is - I hope - many conversations with Martin Wiener and other individuals of interest to the Feldenkrais community and our friends. Martin (Marty) has a workshop coming up in Ventura, California, and in this podcast, we will talk about the workshop and Marty's approach to Feldenkrais.
In his own words:
When I did my training with Moshe in the mid-70s, it was clear to me that he was not teaching a method or system of techniques to be applied to a client. Instead, he was trying to open a new way of seeing and being to us as practitioners so we could truly experience and bring a different mode of consciousness to the world and our work. I have been passionately exploring and developing this approach for over 30 years. At the recent annual guild conference, I was moved by our colleagues' interest in and receptivity to my work and decided to offer a mentor training once again.
Or download the conversation by clicking on this link
A conversation with Martin Weiner
The article that Marty and I touch on during our conversation can be downloaded by clicking: Awareness in Functional Integration.
Feldenkrais Podcast #2 : Further down the Rabbit Hole with Marty Weiner (from Feb 4, 2007)
Or click the link to download the podcast:
Another conversation with Martin Weiner (not Wiener)
The article that Marty and I touch on during our conversation can be downloaded by clicking: Awareness in Functional Integration.
Martin Weiner's Death
Marty died in 2011, several years after these podcasts aired. He apparently took his own life. Before his death, he and I talked briefly about the idea of doing more podcasts, but it never came to pass. On the page below are my thoughts on his death and that of Jack Heggie. Both their voices are sorely missed within the Feldenkrais community. We need more like them: Martin Weiner, 1943-2011
More from Marty
Marty Weiner on Feldenkrais: Limitations of The Medical Model
Marty Weiner Workshop Notes From Steve Hamlin
Enjoy! - Ryan