Brains, Brawn and Feldenkrais?

"Do small, easy movements. Do not exercise."
Moshe Feldenkrais, Alexander Yanai, Lesson #531

Feldenkrais repeatedly told his students to do sessions slowly and with awareness and to NOT turn them into some type of exercise. He made the point repeatedly over many, many decades and in many, many sessions: Feldenkrais is not exercise.

Even so, we know now the huge benefits of exercise for the health of the mind, brain and body. Feldenkrais is not exercise, but exercise is good. We are starting to know what the brain looks like on exercise. I wonder when we will see, scientifically, what the brain looks on Feldenkrais.

Below is a rather non-intuitive research finding on the relationship between lower body strength and the functioning of the brain. Twins with stronger legs when younger had higher cognitive abilities than their siblings. How weird is that?

I thought you might like to take a look. I am wondering if the lower-body strength measure is actually measuring the overall flexibility of the spine, a measure that scientist are not currently considering. I am guessing that improvements in spine flexibility would be easy to measure and track over time in Feldenkrais sessions.

The New York Times: Sturdy legs could mean healthy brains

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