Hi there...welcome back. I am glad you are staying with the process! On this blog post and related videos you will have a chance to
1) Get a Free WordPress.com website or
2) Get A Website on your own url such as yourname.com
3) Find a fantastic and cheap way to outsource this stuff if you do not want to do it yourself and
4) Get a Facebook Business Page (very important)
About 30% of us in this training need to get a website and to fill that need I have created a short video on how to get a free wordpress.com blog. That will blog will be just fine to get you started.
Get A Free WordPress.com Blog
Did that work for you? If you want some step-by-step written instructions as well as dome details on how to use your blog go straight to wordpress.com:
How To Make A Website In 6 Minutes Flat
This guy does a fantastic job of showing you the process, from start to finish. He goes a little fast near the end, but you can pause and re watch it. The process works on just about any hosting company not just hostgator. I have done it on Bluehost, Midphase hosting and many others.
Fiverr.com: Get People To Help You CHEAPLY
Do you NOT want to do the steps above to create your website? I do not blame you.
Or perhaps you need some help creating your next workshop brochure, to create a logo, to fix or update your website?
Let someone else do the work. I could spend the time showing you how to do many of these things...but how much is your time worth? And do you really want to start working on hosting accounts and such? If you do, you can do a quick search on YouTube for videos such "install wordpress" and find one like the video above.
But here is my suggestion: Make it easy on yourself. Build your own personal army of people to help you. Go to https://www.fiverr.com/ and pay someone $5 to $25 (on average) to do stuf for you. Let someone else do the work (Did I say that already??)
Here is a great overview video of what you can get done on Fiverr. I recommend that you watch the entire video. I have been using fiver for years and I learned some new things:
AND - Do us a favor...if you get something done on Fiverr will you post below and let us know how it worked for you?
Get A Free Facebook Business Page
Below are instructions for how to get a Facebook business page. Facebook business pages are free and can be VERY important for reaching people and getting them onto your table or into your workshops. Do this step now and we will discuss how to use it on the the next video. Once you have created your page, will you come back here, post the link to it in the comments below and give us your impressions of the process?
Ok, let's rock and roll!
Post what you get done in the comments below as well as ask me any followup questions that you have.
Remember, this is all in the service of making YOUR dreams come true and creating your ideal practice and life, while at the same time promoting the work. Everything we talked about in the previous video applies... focus on the needs and wants of your students...speak their language...and go slow...you can rest whenever you want...and go at your own pace...
Take the smallest step right now that you are comfortable with and that will get you moving in a valued direction....
Gracias Ryan, yo estoy trabajando en el contenido de mi blog, antes de hacerlo, he hecho un esquema en papel de como quiero que se vea, pero aún estoy dándole vueltas al contenido para atraer a más personas y que sea atractivo, quiero poder contar mis experiencias con las ATM y las If que tengo con mis clientes. Por si a alguien le puede ayudar, para promocionar mis clases o los eventos que organizo, uso una herramienta online muy sencilla y gratuita. https://www.smore.com/?ref=logo una vez hecho el flyer se puede compartir el link o enviar como html en correo electrónico. Un cordial saludo.
Which type of institution to use is my very first question:
.com, .org, .name, etc.
These days, I almost always go with .com. People like it better, many still do not understand what .org, .name is….
Thanks for putting these resources together on one page. I skipped the first two because I’ve been programming web-based systems for 16 years, coded my own websites and an online Feldenkrais ATM-subscription service by hand.
The Facebook video pointed out some information I didn’t know which is nice. The exact pixel dimensions of the logo and banner are welcome facts.
The Fiverr video has me in pieces. I spent four years and tens of thousands of dollars getting a degree in IT from 1994 to 1999. I had it good. I was educated for the dot-com boom and could go anywhere in the US I wanted. Then the industry got flooded and people were struggling to find work even with a Master’s degree. With outsourcing, the prices keep dropping. The single biggest issue I find with outsourcing is communication. Many people have English as a second language. Some of the requests I’ve made (for system or parts thereof) are complex to communicate with native speakers. For this intent of making simple things, it will work fine. Just a bit unsettling to see how far the market has dropped. {I also believe having 1000 views and 100 likes to a video on YouTube is unethical (this comes from an example Fiverr mentioned). }
So, this third segment has helped me see how positive my ethics are on not manipulating systems with the intent to deceive. I may use Fiverr for captioning my classes. This will take two layers: transcribing what is said, and formatting by time slices when to appear on the screen. I’ve done this work myself, and it takes time. I may get logos for two sites I have in the works. Those are my updates for this class.
I have completed my new timetable complete with some sentences about how Feldenkrais helps. I believe my communication is clearer by including tangible benefits which make sense to the person listening.
Hi Brent,
Good stuff! When I want complex web work done, I prefer to use someone I know and someone who is local. I have a guy here in Mexico who is fantastic. I will be hiring someone to help me out with customer service and such for my psychotherapy conferences businesses and I will also be “going local.”
But for the random and quick such as wanting a banner, quick photoshop editing or subtitles and such, I often go to Fiverr.
I agree, the examples that you mentioned about getting likes and views and such on YouTube are nutty. They are what I call “vanity metrics” and I have no use for them. I want loyal engaged users on my blog, Facebook and elsewhere. Likes do not pay the bills!
I am glad that you have a schedule and timetable. Valuable things to have!
To you success and to your clients…..
Pablo – Un gusto a ver tu mensaje! Felicidades para tu buen trabajo. Parece que tienes un plan supe bueno. Me gustaria leer tu blog cuando esta listo.
El link que tiene arriba no va directamente a tu pagina. Es un error? Tienes otro?