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Discover how to get maximum value from your key mindset shift and turbocharge your development with Feldenkrais.
- whether you are a Feldenkrais student, fan or practitioner - no matter - you can benefit from this experiential session.
In the audio session that I am offering here, you will invited in a variety of ways to get deeply focused and consider - on multiple levels - how you can engage and enact, key Feldenkrais strategies for creating the life that you want.
And - just as important - you will be eocnouraged to consider your unique strengths and abilities and what they can add to your journey and the work and the world in general.
You may be pleasantly surprised to find that you have been overlooking some of the abilities you have and can employ on your own behalf.
This is the exact session that I do when I need a "pick me up" and to focus on starting (or finishing) creative new projects related to Feldenkrais and to my businesses, my language learning and other projects. It works for me. It can work for you.
Just a small sample of what you will learn in this focusing-session:
- The difference between "the" right way to use Feldenkais and "A" right way.
- How certainty about Feldenkrais principles can lead one to avoid living in the unknown…
- When is it better to focus on Feldenkrais believed….and when is it better to focus on what you believe . . .
- The surprising benefits of "non-habitual" Feldenkrais.
- Key ideas from Moshe on skepticism...
- Why Feldenkrais is not about doing it "right" but doing it effectively…and how that can empower you
- Key elements for creating the life that you want, respecting ALL of who you are as a person and personality.
- Some important but little known Feldenkrais quotes that you will like very much! (I believe!)
And much more. Each time you do this session you will get something new out of it.
YES, This Game Changing Audio Session ONLY Costs $7!

A soon as you purchase a link to download the session is sent directly to your email can download to your computer and start using instantly!