Welcome! I am glad that you are here, you made a great choice. If you can see this page, you have registered successfully and you are a member of "Meetings With Remarkable Practitioners"
Once per month...often more...I will release a new interview for you to listen to, focus on and enjoy....
Expect the unexpected in these interview sessions. And expect to hear viewpoints, ideas and stories that you had not heard before. There is plenty of space for respectful and appropriate comments on each podcast page. And I may be doing occasional call in shows where we can discuss the episodes...
Our first interview is with a direct student of Moshe Feldenkrais in the Amherst training, who also has studied intensively with Anat Baniel, Mia Segal and many others in the community. It is a very broad interview with some fascinating insights about the work. Listen To It HERE.
Perhaps you would also like to take some time and get caught up on some earlier interviews: Earlier Interviews From Feldenkrais Podcasts.