Here It Is!

Here is the short Feldenkrais session - as promised. I have also sent a link to your email inbox. Scroll down and you can click to play in your computer, smartphone or tablet right now.

Bending Side-To-Side In Sitting

A short, gentle lesson. I found myself doing this movement in the morning before "going to work" on my computer. I find it very relaxing and very wonderful maintaining ease of motion in my head and neck while I work. (A 16 minute session).

Or Click To Download and do FILE > Save AS from your browser

Special Offer: $5 for 5 Feldenkrais In Sitting

This downloadable Feldenkrais mp3 series includes:

  • 1. Integrated Turning (27 minutes), Right and Left (If you teach this a great demo session)
  • 2. Opening and Folding (23 minutes) (Wonderful if you tend to "slouch" or lean forward at your desk)
  • 3. Bending to the Side (16 minutes) (Yummy! Will make you relax....)
  • 4. Full Body Integration (23 minutes) (Combines all 3 session above with some unique variations)
  • 5. Shoulder Rotation in Sitting (25 minutes) (The "Eroll Flynn" from Esalen and elsewhere. Awesome lesson)

Download all sessions right now, including FREE transcripts of the sessions (great if you are practitioner, saves you a ton of time preparing to teach). All the sessions are under 30 minutes and can be done during lunch or a break, while at work, or in your home office...or wherever you can sit and move comfortably for a bit...

Was $19.99 Now Only $5!!!

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