Core, Spine and Pelvis
These sessions fit beautifully together and you can do this volume even if you have not yet any other sessions in the Classics series. BUT - These are not beginner sessions. They represent some of Feldenkrais' most dense and complex thinking about movement and action and they are challenging sessions. Each session builds elegantly on themes from the prior session, starting with a focus on the core and pelvis and ending with full-body motions through the spine and legs.
The series includes:
1. Dial Movements of The Pelvis - I do not think that Moshe ever used the word "core" but this session can have dramatic effects on your ability to move with grace and power through improving coordination of core muscles with the entire body.
2. Spine Like A Chain - Both global and detailed movements of the spine, you may find movements that you did not know existed for you!
3. Hip Rotation - Over the years, this has been a challenging lesson for myself and many other folks. But once one masters the pattern, it can have some cool effects on everyday living.
4. Tilting Your Legs - This is a great session to see Feldenkrais' developing use of visualization and imagination in his work.
5. Errol Flynn - A perennial favorite in the Feldenkrais community, hugely effective for folks who have limitations in the shoulder area. It can dramatically improve your range of movement.
6. Your Hamstrings - The grand finale! It has a rather surprising ending.
Transcripts of all the sessions above are included at no additional cost.
Bonus added November 17th, 2020: Five unpublished sessions (without transcripts, sorry) based on the Esalen workshop. From the very beginnings of Feldenkrais history in the United States:
1) Breathing (deep exploration of breathing patterns in many positions)
2) Exploration of Lips, Tongue, Mouth (great for jaw strain)
3) The Buttock Aims The Pelvis (can change how you walk)
4) Foot/Pelvis Differentiation (rare session done on the hands and knees)
5) Caressing The Legs (gentle standing session, great for improving balance)
As soon as you purchase a link to download the sessions is sent directly to your email can download to your computer and start using instantly!
For those who prefer to use these sessions on a smartphone (iPhone, Android etc) or on a tablet, I have included links that you can use to stream and use the sessions without having to download.
However, when you have a chance, make sure to download and store on your laptop or desktop computer so that you have a more permanent copy of the materials.
Only $19.99
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As you likely know already, I stand 100% behind what I sell. I want you to be delighted with these sessions. If you are not satisfied with the material, ask me and you will get your money back - no questions asked.